Saturday, April 12, 2008

Auggie Doggy Hamilton

Auggie Doggy (August) Hamilton went to heaven's gate to wait for his masters on April 12, 2008. He was taken by surprise by coyotes and carried away. We believe in our hearts he went quickly and didn't even realize what was happening.

He was born to Zoey Bovier Hamilton on May 24th, 2003 who preceeded him in death. He is survived by his bestfriends and masters, Tom and Molly, brothers Brandon, Josh, and Yugi; sisters Ashley, Kristen, Min, Gidget, and Neiko; niece Lily Hamilton; cousins, Fancy Face. Biscut MaryAnn and Lucy; special friends Luther Lee Hamilton, Emma, Oliver Spice and Cowboy; and life long friends Starr, Sue, PR, Jimmy E, and Joe and Donnell.

August was an 100% purebred jumpin puppy and loved sports. His favorites were to play ball and frisbee. He had an exquisit sense of smell and was able to track any object thrown with his relentless "grid 'er done" technique. In 2006 he had aspirations of entering a national frisbee contest, but was unable to fufill his dream because of a weak front ankle. He was known for his persistance and dedication to his sport as even when he injured himself, after a quick warm water rub down on his leg, he was back on the field, and on with the game.

He was a happy dog and enjoyed company coming over, running to greet them as they drove in the drive way. Sometimes he would be overtaken by emotion and would howl and sing to express his excitement of visitors. He loved lunch meat and anything dropped on the floor or left unattended for an extended period of time. He loved camping and going on rides, even if it was just to Grandma Becky's to pick up the mail. But his greatest joy was sitting in the laps of his best friends and care takers, Tom and Molly.... and it was their greatest joy also.

August will be so very greatly missed, but I know he's waiting for us at the pearly gates... I only hope we are as worthy to get in as he was.....

I explained to Saint Peter I'd rather wait here,
Just outside the Pearly Gate.
I won't be a nuisance, I won't even bark,
I'll be very patient and wait.
I'll be right here chewing a celestial bone,
No matter how long you may be,
'Cuz I'd miss you too much if I went in alone...
It wouldn't be heaven for me.

(author unknown)


zirelda said...


Suzan said...

I have tears for you and your family.

soulbrush said...

oh no i can't believe this, i was just here the other day...auggie, dear dog. RIP little pooch. hugs.

auggiedoggysmom said...

thank all of you so much for your sympathy... our world will never be the same.. ):

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about your lose. I have lost several cats the same way. I have two little Irish Jacks and make sure they are never out without me or only in their fenced in yard. I couldn't bear it if something were to happen.. blessings to you and yours.

auggiedoggysmom said...

thank you so much for your sympathy and understanding.. it's so weird every day... no click click click down the hallway, no one licking you to wake you up and no one waiting for you when you come home... I am so thankful for people who understand.. God Bless you and your pets.